This first hill of the Southern Rock Race at Stony Lonesome Offroad Park was Awesome. This Hill called Who's Your Daddy has become extremely tough and gave these drivers all they wanted.
ScrewDriver the unclimbable hill was finally climbed at the Southern Rock Race. Lots of people have tried their best to climb it but they all failed. Finally 3 drivers were able to make it to the top. Tim Cameron, Brandon Davis and Clayton Hollingsworh were all able to make it out the top of this insane hill.
ScrewDriver at Stony Lonesome had been tried by several but the hill had never been climbed. Well Tim Cameron got his shot at the Southern Rock Race and was the first person to make it to the top. Tim Cameron finished in 3rd place for the day as he was one of only 3 people to make it up this nasty hill.